Ayurveda and eugenics – An overview of garbhasanskar concept
Modern science has tremendously progressed in mechanics engineering medical but when it comes to genetics, research is limited to discoveries about how it works. We have not yet found a way to positively intervene the process in order to eliminate genetic defects or predisposing genetic factors to avoid diseases. A new branch of Science Epigenetics deals with the study of cellular and physiological phenotype trait variations that result from external or environmental factors that switch genes on and off and affect how cells express genes.
Experts argue that the most critical period of human development is the 1000 days from pregnancy to a child’s second birthday, a period known as the 1000-day window (United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition, 2010). This is emphasized through the discovery that the in utero environment that a fetus is exposed to can cause direct epigenetic effects in the fetus, resulting in the offspring being predisposed to a number of conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and reduced lifespan.
If we want our kids to have better health physically and emotionally, perfect time to start is from the first day of 1000 day window i.e. moment of conception. Ayurveda goes even beyond and says only a pure and healthy ovum and sperm and not to forget soul can combine to form a new life.
Ayurveda is first ever medical science available to mankind which specializes in personalized, preventive and predictive medicine. Ayurveda explains process of formation of new life in detail and how to improve maternal and new born health as well as provides significant advice on preventing undesired health defects and complications. Suprajanan chikitsa or eugenics treatment as per Ayurveda focuses on holistic wellness of the mother, father and child to be born. It covers complete process that starts well before conception and continues till weaning of the child from breast feeding to whole food.
Ayurvedic eugenics process includes 3 stages of treatment- pre conception, prenatal, post natal. Each stage treatment protocol is formulated by an Ayurveda expert after thorough ayurvedic assessment (both mother and father). Treatment protocol incorporates counselling for mental and emotional preparation to be responsible parent, education, lifestyle modifications, daily diet, yoga, exercise tips, meditation, relaxation techniques, music and mantras and lastly herbal supplements if needed.
- Pre conception (beeja sanskar) treatment includes
- Counselling –education about Ayurveda eugenics, welcoming the soul,
- Ayurvedic assessment for constitution, health status
- Cleansing procedures for detoxification of both parents,
- Specific advice about daily regimen and its effects,
- Yoga and exercises,
- Diet to nourish physical body
- Spiritual regimen – mantras or prayers
- Sexual regimen for better fertility of both the parents.
- Prenatal stage (garbha sanskar) treatment includes
- Education about growth of fetus , epigenetics, and counselling,
- Ayurveda explains specific diets and regimens for every month to maximize the nourishment as per need of fetus in that specific month
- Trimester wise exercise and yoga regime to improve muscular strength to cope up with changes due to pregnancy and severe strain during delivery of the baby
- herbal supplements
- specific chants or music therapy for well being of new born
- Post natal (sutika paricharya and bala sanskar) treatment includes
- counselling about needs of new born and bonding with new life for both parents
- education about lactation, breastfeeding and new born care
- Daily personalized regimen, assistance advice for getting back to normal routine as it was before pregnancy.
It is scientifically proved now that above said personalized therapies and assistance has a positive effect on nervous system development, IQ, Physical development, cognitive developments, emotional resilience and immune system of new born baby.
If we could incorporate some of these practices into regimen of a pregnant lady the result will surely affect positively, both maternal and new born health.
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